NSF STEM Rising Stars
2018-2020 Faculty Research Fellows program (LBJ Institute Faculty Research Fellows)
The LBJ Institute for STEM Education and Research announces a call for faculty applicants for the 2018-2020 Faculty Research Fellows program (LBJ Institute Faculty Research Fellows).
This program began in 2015 as a project between the LBJ Institute and the College of Science and Engineering. The 2015 cohort of eight faculty research fellows collaborated on an NSF-funded $1.5M grant and have gone on to lead their own research initiatives, publish numerous journal articles, receive promotions, and lead as principle investigators of their own NSF grants.
STEM Student Advisory Board
The STEM-Student Advisory Board (STEM-SAB) is a student-governed body in the LBJ Institute for STEM Education and Research at Texas State University, with one representative from each STEM college as a STEM undergraduate research assistant form STEM-SAB. STEM-SAB serves an advisory role between STEM students, and the STEM Rising Stars project faculty and staff. The goals of the Board are to increase communication between the College and students represent the students’ voices in various academic matters, collaborate with other STEM student organizations, and to serve as STEM Ambassadors in the community.
The mission of STEM-SAB is to represent the voices of STEM students by providing input on matters of recruitment, community building, and curriculum within the STEM disciplines.